- angle of rotation旋转角;
- a piece of the action(为获得利益)参与某事;
- box frame of window匣形窗框;
- bird of passagen.候鸟,漂泊不定的人,过路的客人;
- bed of sand砂底盘;
- course of action做法,行动过程,一连串行动;
- Conference of Heads of State and Government of East and Central African Countries东非和中非国家国家元首和政府首脑会议
- Chamber of Deputies众议院;
- capital of italy意大利首都
- Doctor of Philosophyn.哲学博士;
- Democratic Republic of Congo刚果民主共和国
- date of expiry到期日,满期日;
- be all of a jumpv.紧张;心惊胆战;胆战心惊;
- frame of mind心境;
- Federal Bureau of Investigationn.(美国)联邦调查局;
- get the better of someone战胜某人
- library of congressn.美国国会图书馆;
- ministry of financen.财政部;
- Master of Deception诡计大师;
- out of this world不切实际;<口>好得不得了;
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